Dear 2010, I see you!
I will not make anything resembling a resolution. I simply refuse. The reason being that I recognize that I am a perpetual work in progress no matter the time of year. Taking a good, hard , honest look at myself on a regular basis is something I’m actually fairly good at. As I also fall into the “my own worst critic” category, I tend to have no problem constantly tweaking my script to make it run smoother, more efficiently, or just plain look prettier.
More importantly, I have long since learned that life is what happens when we’re busy making plans. You can file all the TPS reports you want to on time, she doesn’t always read them or get the memo.
I see you 2010. You’ve already started out with a bang and show such potential. That’s right, I’ve got my eye on you. Oh yeah, I’m going to take that potential, add a dash of hot sauce, grill it up and serve it with a side of promise and demand you continue to crank out more. Life can keep chucking what she wants at me, I may not control what she chooses to toss my way, but I do control how I react to it. And I am more than ready.
I declare you, 2010, to be fabulous.
For myself, I declare that I will embrace all that opportunity I see you toting. I declare that I will continue to breathe. In with the good… out with the bad baby. I declare that I will continue onward and upward. I declare that I will venture forth all of your 365 days and accompanying nights with a smile on my face for each one. I declare that I shall continue to openly make my voice heard as needed. That my ears will remain available and my shoulders sturdy for those who need them. That my eyes, my mind and my heart will be open longer than 7-11.
I hope anyone reading this is ready, you’ve been warned 😉
I declare, my dear 2010, that you and I will kick some major ass. Yup, I’ve got my eye on you 2010.