Browsing procrastination

I May be Late to the Party, but I Always Show Up…


If you met my monkeys, you’d immediately understand the perpetual state of lateness. It’s not for lack of trying though, I assure you. In fact, I had a lil chit chat with the monkeys about punctuality. Yes, I used that word with the 3 & 4 year old. Anywho eldest monkey looked at me and said “We’re rockstars and rockstars show up late.” So, that’s just how we roll.

The point to this? I’ve been wanting to do the blog thang for quite a while now I’m all for that which is cathardic and (as a very rockin’ and way cool mom pointed out to me recently) this is a good way for me to keep track of the wonderfulness of life in monkeyland…….

P.S. I read an article today that said don’t wait until your blog is perfect before you start it. This is so NOT the background that will be permanently here, but hey- I should get credit for at least following the advice. I don’t always play by the rules, I often run with scissors and, like this blog, I am a continual work in progress.

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